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8 ways: How to know if a guy likes you

It can be difficult to know if a guy likes you, as people often do not express their feelings directly. However, there are a few signs that can indicate if a guy is interested in you.


It can be difficult to know if a guy likes you, as people often do not express their feelings directly. However, there are a few signs that can indicate if a guy is interested in you.

Signs that he likes you

Sign 1: He pays attention to you

If a guy likes you, he will likely try to listen to what you say and remember details about your life.

Sign 2: He finds excuses to be near you

If a guy is always close by and finds reasons to start conversations or spend time with you, it could be a sign that he likes you.

Sign 3: He compliments you

Guys who like you will often give you compliments and make an effort to boost your confidence.

Sign 4: He is nervous around you

If a guy likes you, he may become nervous or fidgety in your presence. This could be a sign that he is trying to impress you.


Step 5: He touches you

Light, innocent touches such as a tap on the shoulder or holding your hand can indicate romantic interest.

Step 6: He mimics your behaviour

Mirroring is a subconscious behaviour where someone mimics another person’s gestures or mannerisms. If a guy likes you, he may copy your movements or words.

Step 7: He gets jealous

If a guy likes you, he may become possessive or jealous when you talk to other guys or show interest in someone else.

Step 8: He makes plans with you

If a guy likes you, he will likely make an effort to spend time with you and make plans for future events or activities.


Further discussion

It is important to remember that not all guys will display all of these signs. Some may show more obvious interest, while others may be more subtle. It’s also important to consider the individual’s personality and past behaviours.

If you are unsure if a guy likes you, try talking to him and asking how he feels. While this may seem nerve-wracking, it is often the best way to find out.


It’s important to remember that everyone expresses their feelings differently, and just because someone may not display these signs does not mean they do not like you. Ultimately, only the person in question can tell you if they have feelings for you.

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