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How to Leverage Competitor Keywords for Killer Blog Topics

When it comes to producing material for your blog that is both entertaining and relevant, one of the most effective tactics is to use the keywords used by your competitors as a source of inspiration for new blog subject ideas. Here are some suggestions on how to make better use of the keywords used by your competitors in your blog:


When it comes to producing material for your blog that is both entertaining and relevant, one of the most effective tactics is to use the keywords used by your competitors as a source of inspiration for new blog subject ideas. You can acquire insights into what themes are hot in your sector, what questions your target audience is asking, and what material is likely to resonate with your readers by conducting an analysis of the keywords that your competitors are targeting.

How to Find Blog Topic Ideas from Your Competitors’ Keywords in 10 ways

Here are some suggestions on how to make better use of the keywords used by your competitors in your blog:

Identify your competitors

The first step is to identify the main competitors in your industry or niche. Look for businesses or blogs that are targeting the same keywords or phrases that you are, and that are ranking highly in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Analyze their keywords

Once you have identified your competitors, use a keyword research tool to analyze the keywords they are targeting. There are many keyword research tools available, including Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, SEMrush, and Moz. These tools will give you a list of the keywords your competitors are ranking for, as well as their search volume, competition, and other metrics.

Look for content gaps

Once you have a list of your competitors’ keywords, analyze their content to see what topics they are covering. Look for gaps in their content that you could fill with your own blog posts. For example, if your competitors are writing a lot about the benefits of a particular product, you could write a post about its potential drawbacks or limitations. Similarly, if they are focusing on a specific use case for a product, you could write about other potential use cases that they haven’t covered.

Use long-tail keywords

Long-tail keywords are longer and more specific phrases that are less competitive than broader keywords. Look for long-tail keywords that your competitors are not targeting, and create blog posts around these topics. For example, if your competitors are targeting “best running shoes,” you could target “best running shoes for flat feet” or “best running shoes for trail running.”

Use keyword variations

Use variations of your competitors’ keywords to create new blog post ideas. For example, if your competitor is targeting “best weight loss tips,” you could target “weight loss tips for beginners” or “weight loss tips for busy professionals.”

Use Google Autocomplete

Google Autocomplete is a feature that suggests searches based on what you’ve typed in the search box. Type in your competitors’ keywords and see what suggestions come up. This will give you an idea of what questions people are asking related to those keywords. Use these questions as inspiration for your blog posts.

Use Google Trends

Google Trends is a tool that shows you the popularity of a search term over time. Use it to see what topics are trending in your industry or niche, and create blog posts around those topics. You can also compare different keywords to see which one is more popular.

Use social media

Use social media to see what topics are trending in your industry or niche. Follow your competitors on social media to see what they are posting about. Use hashtags to find conversations related to your keywords. Use these conversations as inspiration for your blog posts.

Use customer feedback

Use feedback from your customers to create new blog post ideas. Look at comments on your blog, social media posts, and reviews to see what questions people are asking or what topics they are interested in. Use this feedback to create blog posts that address these questions or topics.

Use your own experiences

Use your own experiences to create blog post ideas. What questions have you had about your industry or niche? What topics have you been interested in? Use your own experiences to create blog posts that address these questions or topics.


If you use the keywords used by your competitors as a source of inspiration for new blog topics, you can increase the amount of traffic that is driven to your website, establish your blog as a valuable resource in your industry or niche, and create content for your readers that is relevant and engaging. It is essential, on the other hand, that you maintain the originality and novelty of your content at all times and that you keep abreast of the most recent advances and trends in your field.

If you do so, you will be able to garner the trust and appreciation of a dedicated readership that values your insights and experience. In the end, leveraging the keywords that your competitors are using is simply one tactic you may implement during the constant process of researching keywords and creating content.

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